Saturday, September 16, 2017

California Stop1 - Vacaville

We awakened Friday morning in Medford, Oregon and decided we were ready to take on the mountainous entry into California.  The Admiral had not traversed this inland course before and we think it threw him a bit.

The drive over the mountains leading to beautiful Mt. Shasta was clouded with either haze or smoke, we could not tell, but when we came over the ridge and could have been able to see her in all her glory, she was hiding. We didn't even get any pictures.

We made it though the fruit and plant inquisition at the border and arrived in sunny, warm, rolling brown northern California.

Upon arriving at our planned destination for the night at 2 pm in the afternoon we were greeted by this lovely lady, animal lover, runner, loving mom and wife of our most humorous nephew.

What we did not know was that she also has become a chicken whisperer.
We were able to see two of their children, Ethan and Jordan who are both in high school and college at the same time. There is no better fun and hospitality than being welcomed to this household. We got a concert by Jordan (self taught) on a grand piano and a fun talk about future aspirations to go to UC Davis from Ethan. And food, this woman can cook! Ironically we had chicken.

We decided to stay in the motorhome so that we could get up at oh-dark-thirty to hit the road on our way to Los Angeles to see our Ramling.

Funny how people want pics by the vehicle, but they included us also. It was too short of a visit, but we will hope for a Thanksgiving meet up. Thanks Susan and Jason and fam!


  1. "Chicken whisperer": gotta love it. Keep on truckin'!

  2. It is always an absolute pleasure to have you visit. We are honored. Enjoy the trip and stay safe. Love US


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