Thursday, September 21, 2017

Joy is revealed in the Morning

Wednesday Rush

We played cribbage with Johnny Tuesday night...which Dad and I lost of course. We hugged each other good night and went to the RV for rest so we could leave early again without waking anyone. Leaving at 4:30 we made good travel time through LA and by the time I awakened we were near to Arizona. We were on a schedule for dinner with my two brothers in the area. Dinner at Manuel's in Tempe was planned for 5 pm. We made it in perfect time. Manuel's was the favorite place my family went for Mexican food since I was a young kid living there. It was a real sentimental surprise. Phil and Marsha, Kent and Nancy and Bob and I had a great time chatting and catching up on the kids in each family. It was so good to see them. Facebook link from Nancy

We kept Kent and Nancy up very late past their bedtime, so we slept in the rig and headed out early again. 

We missed all the Phoenix area traffic and Tucson traffic, well Bob did anyway. I slept at least for part of the night. Finally, around 4:00am we found a rest area that we could turn into called Texas Canyon rest area. We both went to sleep after taking some time to look at the millions of stars in the Milky Way. We were glad we missed all the barren areas of Arizona and New Mexico at night. WE thought we had saved ourselves some boredom until we awakened.

 We were almost giddy at how cool this stopping place was. The Admiral told us he had some surprises in store for us. This was one of them. A historical marker at the site told about how the bluffs here at the Dragoon Mountains were called the Council Rocks where Cochise and the US Cavalry reached a treaty. This was also the land where Geronimo was the leader of tribes in the area. There were many stories and struggles whispered on the wind as we listened this morning.

We walked around the site and looked at the rock formations in awe and then went inside where I got my own personal concert from Bob on his guitar. As we headed on towards the border, we listened to Don Edwards. We talked and dreamed of how tough the life would have been riding a horse to Texas. Our morning was spent thinking about cowboys, and Native Americans, and times so long ago.

This is a song dearly regarded by the grandkids as the "Hoo Yip" song. Bob plays this around the campfires in our backyard often, due to the requests of the Joel and Catie Hekker's boys who sing loud and enthusiastically each time. 

When we visit, you better brush up on your cowboy lore!

1 comment:

  1. The gift that keeps giving! Wow to the whole enchilada!!! A few things:

    1) Cribbage? Are you kidding me? My kids were raised on cribbage, and it remains their one major addiction, and all their friends too. 15,2; 15,4; 15,6; and a pair for 8. Not sure this will show: cid:F060664A-6642-4E6B-87F2-4685B56C9316
    2) That IS Bob playing on that video, not Don Edwards. You can't fool an old fool, Joy
    3) And a big yes to cowboy stories: When the Admiral and his crew come rolling in to the farm, in short order: Bonfire, Cowboy stories, and Robert singing "Hoo Yip"


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