Thursday, September 21, 2017

Everything's bigger in TEXAS!

The Admiral awakened us and got us off and running with a quick Pledge of Allegiance, and two rousing run-throughs of "God Bless America" Hustling through New Mexico we took to the road with a vengeance.

I had an online meeting to conduct even while moving in the vehicle, a phone that kept dying, and the lack of electricity with the generator not running while we drove. It was hot (well to us Seattlites anyway) and I was in the back bedroom bouncing around trying to be on task. I finally turned it into a phone conference because the attendees were getting sick by seeing my image bounce so much. All was well at the end.

A couple of rest areas and some quick gas-ups and all of a sudden it seemed we were in Las Cruces, NM and heading into El Paso.

We were moving into late afternoon and knew we needed to get to a place to grab some dinner and watch Johnny's Rams game against San Francisco. At one gas rest stop we parked and as Bob got out of the rig a total stranger told his story about being a huge Rams fan. He was wondering if he could take a picture of the RV and would Bob even take a picture of it with him in front of it. It was a blessing to do so. I am trying to get Ramily (Ram fans) signatures and pictures as they come to us all over the country. We have had several honk and wave as they pulled in front of us and showed their Rams Stickers on their cars. It delights us to see them.

We decided to RV park it tonight, we got fast food ribs and checked in so we could watch the game on cable, well they did not get the channel but we could watch the game on our phones since we have Verizon, so we watched the game on a 3" x 6" screen instead of the 3 TVs on the rig.

The ribs were huge. You could only eat one or two and they put 7 in a rack. Bob dug right in and enjoyed them greatly as you can see.

When he wiped his beard and stache afterward it was orange. So funny!

The best part of the evening, of course, was this!
Rams Beat Niners 41 to 39

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