Sunday, September 24, 2017

Saturday - Sunday - Fun-day!

Yesterday, Saturday, was a travel day. We slept in and then had coffee at the only coffee house open in the area, McDonald's, and then proceeded to Henry’s house. The Admiral needed to go to the bathroom but couldn’t use the one in the RV for obvious reasons. He couldn’t wait to go, so he tried to relieve himself in the bushes after asking us to pull over. When he got out of the rig he found a rather inhospitable place along the side of the road and decided to wait for Henry’s house.
 Henry is Bob’s brother. He is a volunteer firefighter and works at the YMCA. They are seven years apart, but sometimes even living far away from your family, traits still remain the same. They both have Girl Scout Cookie buying weakness.

Henry and Janice live in Burnet, TX near Lake Buchannan. We were kind of hot so we spent some time reconnecting in the air-conditioned house and then went out to dinner at the Twenty-Three Hundred CafĂ© in Burnet. It was really quaint, had live music, (one man and an Ipad). It is what rural Texas is all about, a mom and pop business where most the community knows each other. There’s a “Howdy, how are ya? Haven’t seen you since Tuesdee?” “Yer aunt recover from her lumbago?” “Nice shirt, that new?”

We got home around 7 pm and experienced a phenomenon, Henry has a designation of Certified Nature Habitat for part of his property. He daily pours thirty pounds of corn, nuggets, and protein supplement out on a rocky area on the side of his fenced lawn to feed the deer. This he pays for himself. There were 17 deer all around him gathered from all over the area, they just showed up. It was amazing to watch! He does this everyday!

Today, we went 40 miles away to the Open Road Biker Church where Henry is an integral part of the congregation. We had a little confusion in timing. Bob and I heard different starting times in our head, so we were a half an hour late. (I was right on time) We met some great people, Pastor Butch, and had a sweet sermon about Jesus.

When we got home I was feeling a little rocky due to body aches and pains. H&J (Henry and Janice) announced we were going to the lake for a picnic on their party boat. I went along and per usual had a great time. Something about water always revives me. We went to Lake Buchannan and launched the boat and the first thing I saw was a heron. If you know me, you know I love these birds with a passion. I think they must be my favorite animal. 

The picnic on the lake was great, we parked by an island and went swimming. The bass fish come up and nibble on your body in the water. They did to H&J but not Bob and I. They must not like the taste of foreigners.

We came back to land and had another deer fest with Henry before we washed up and went out to dinner. We talked of miracles, the grace of God, and funny family stories.

Great day…not too hot for this Washington girl.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, look. Sometimes you gotta play to the audience. Your words fill my appetite for the intense beauty of this country, physically and spiritually. But sometimes, there is a higher need that needs to be answered:

    WHAT KIND OF GS COOKIES ARE THE BOY'S FAVES? I mean, r we talking those incredible lemonades, or thin mints or Samoas, or those taglythings or the shortbread? Come-on. Cough it up, JH!


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