Upon arriving at the stadium we stood in line for a bit and were some of the first to be let into the complex. There were DJs, food trucks, stages, games, and activities, beer and noise everywhere. What an electric climate, especially at 9am.
With the help of the amazing staff at the stadium, we were escorted to our seats. Although we were in the 'free tickets for the team' area on the 400 level we had a birds-eye-view of the field and a 160' x 72' high-resolution TV screen to watch. It was really amazing and better than the lower seats we had for the TCU game when Johnny was at Oregon State. The view was incredible and the sound was incredible. We even had a large-screen experience of the T&As of the Dallas Cheerleaders during breaks. We were sitting next to the Havensteins and some other Rams fans so it was a great place to be. A group of Play60 kids sat in front of us supporting the other team.
We won't comment on the game other than to say that it was a hard fought match up with an amazing outcome! Check your sports channels for details. Greg Zuerline is a beast this year scoring 27 points for the team! Well done GZ!
At the 4th quarter, the customer services rep came and got us and escorted us in the wheelchair to get us out from the crowd early. Walking down the hallways we would get shouts from other Ram's fans or high fives. Bob was accosted by a young man with a 6 jersey on that wanted to know how he got the throwback one. When he found out we were parents everyone wanted pictures with us. Johnny is well respected in places and by people, we had no idea about.

We were right next to the team on the back, where we could see Johnny and the boys just feet away.
There was a lounge with TV screens everywhere. There were some avid Rams fans there that adopted us! It was so much fun to be in the mix of the intensity of a make-or-break last quarter. Rams killed it. Go Rams!

Afterward, they took us to the family pass area to meet with Johnny and the families. These two kids followed us in and brought a chair for me to sit on. They were like kids in a candy shop. We also met some fans from St. Louis and some that are Twitter followers. One was so excited to see me he kept hugging me and taking pictures. AWKWARD but fun! Great guy.
By the time the players got to the family area you could see that these boys had warred through the game. They were happy but spent. There is a different attitude on the players this year. They are here to fight, not just play. We salute you Rams players, coaches, and staff. Well Done!
I gotta tell you that i think the moral of this story is that next time one of you should give up your ticket for the admiral.